
We Offer Telehealth Visits
7 Days a week for existing patients.

Virtual Telehealth Hours

Sunday: 9- 9:30AM; 8-10PM
Monday: 8:45-9:30AM; 8-10PM
Tuesday: 10:15- 11:00AM; 8-10PM
Wednesday: 8:45-9:30AM for ADHD; 8-10PM
Thursday: 8:45-9:30AM; 8-10PM 
Friday: 9-9:30AM; 2-4PM 
Saturday Night:
7:00PM- 11:00PM

​(Times May Change Based on Call Volume)

If you would like to consult with Dr. Simai outside these hours, please call our office and leave a detailed message with your medical question. He will call you at his earliest convenience. 

Register or Schedule a
​Telehealth Visit